Reflections After a 30th Reunion


Many thanks to Kathy M. for pointing us towards this amazing blog post by Katrina Kenison ’80, written on the occasion of her thirtieth reunion. We urge you to immediately drop everything and go read it in its entirety. Below is an excerpt:

Arriving on campus in the fall of 1976, a slightly pudgy, shy, utterly intimidated freshman from small-town New Hampshire, I had not a clue as to what to wear, let alone what I was meant to do or who I wanted to be. I had never seen a Lanz nightgown, read the New York Times, or heard of Virginia Woolf or Dana Hall.  I didn’t own a pair of sneakers, had never listened to jazz, or heard poetry read aloud. I had never eaten with chopsticks or had a pizza delivered to the door.   There was a lot to learn.  The very first night, over dinner in Martha Wilson house, someone declared that we should all go around the table and say whether we were virgins or not; I remember being enormously grateful that I had at least relieved myself of that burden over the course of the summer.  “I slept with an actor,” I said, feigning nonchalance.  My Smith education had begun.